Dentures vs. Teeth in a Day Implants – Which Is Better?

About 40 million Americans do not have any teeth. If you are missing all your teeth, need to have your remaining teeth removed, or have ongoing problems with them, you might be interested in understanding your teeth replacement options. A traditional denture, a removable implant overdenture, or Teeth in a Day are ways to replace a full arch of teeth, and the latter options are available at Central Florida Oral, Facial and Periodontal Surgery. How can you decide which option is right for you?

Reasons You May Have Been Considering Dentures

The frustration of chronic oral health issues causes many people to think about getting dentures. Certain health conditions can make it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene. And for many people, dentures seem like a logical solution. But you may have another reason for considering dentures.

You’ve Been Avoiding the Dentist

If you have avoided the dentist for any of these reasons, you might think it is easier to get dentures:

  • Fear or anxiety – Past negative dental experiences often lead to anxiety or fear of the dentist.
  • Embarrassment – You might be embarrassed about the condition of your teeth.
  • Lack of time – Many people feel they do not have enough time for dental visits.
  • Your budget – You might not have dental insurance or be able to afford dental care.

Moving, Loose, or Lost Teeth

If you notice these changes in your teeth, you might wonder if you will need dentures:

  • Gaps – Diseased gums or bone, as well as losing a tooth, can widen the spaces between your teeth.
  • Loose teeth – Severe decay, periodontal (gum) disease—or both—can loosen teeth.
  • Moving teeth – Gum disease also causes loose teeth to shift.

Frequent Toothaches

Frequent toothaches can be an early warning symptom of deep decay that is reaching tooth nerves. Sometimes root canal treatment can remove decay and save a tooth if the infection is caught early enough. However, untreated toothaches can lead to bone and tooth loss. You will need a denture or dental implant to replace missing teeth that were lost to the decay behind your toothaches.

You’ve Lost One or More Teeth

If you have lost one or more teeth, you may eventually need dentures. Teeth loss starts when plaque buildup breeds bacteria that eats away at your tooth enamel. Tooth decay overtakes your tooth, which then leads to your gums becoming irritated and inflamed as gum disease takes hold. Both gum disease and tooth decay weaken the tissue around your tooth and spread to your bone. If either condition is left untreated, the tooth will loosen and fall out.

Chewing Food is Difficult

Experiencing difficulty while chewing food is a sign that you are at risk of losing your teeth and eventually needing dentures. You may experience painful chewing, especially with hard or chewy foods. Other common symptoms are stomach pains or indigestion caused by food that you were not able to chew well.

Bleeding, Swollen, Tender, or Red Gums

If left untreated, the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease can result in tooth loss and the need for dentures.

  • Sensitivity, redness, and swelling – These are usually the first signs of gum disease
  • Bleeding gums – Flossing and brushing your teeth or eating hard food makes your gums bleed
  • Gum recession – Swollen gums can pull away from your teeth

Renew your smile and get back to enjoying life!

Get Teeth in a Day

In just one day, you can have a beautiful new smile!

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Are There Other Alternatives to Dentures Out There?

Dentures are not the only option for replacing missing teeth. How do the alternatives compare?

  • Individual dental implants – One dental implant replaces each missing tooth. Individual implants are the most expensive option.
  • Removable implant overdentures – An oral surgeon places dental implants in your jawbone. After a three- to four-month healing period, your dentist will snap the removable dentures onto the implants, giving the dentures a new degree of support.
  • Teeth in a DayDr. Jaffal or Dr. Caylor will place dental implants in your jawbone and attach fixed (non-removable) replacement teeth to them. With Teeth in a Day, you do not have to wait months to enjoy your new smile.

What Are the Benefits of Teeth in a Day Overdentures?

Teeth in a Day have many advantages over removable complete dentures and removable implant overdentures. They are a non-removable solution that is strong and comfortable and preserves the jawbone. Teeth in a Day are a fast path to a new smile and an improved quality of life.

More Strength and Stability

Both Teeth in a Day and more traditional implant overdentures offer more strength and stability than removable complete dentures. Implants anchor your fixed overdenture to give your teeth more strength to function and withstand the forces of biting and chewing. Fixed overdentures can restore 100% of your chewing function. Additionally, dental implants stabilize an arch of teeth. Unlike a removable denture, your replacement teeth do not rest on your gums. You do not have to worry about your denture lifting, slipping around, or falling out.

A Non-Removable Solution

Unlike snap-on implant overdentures, Teeth in a Day are fixed implant dentures that your oral surgeon screws into place. A non-removable solution is easier to clean, as you can clean them just like your original natural teeth. Teeth in a Day also offer improved aesthetics, as the simulated gum tissue and prosthetic teeth look more natural than removable implant overdentures.

Better Comfort

Replacement teeth permanently anchored by dental implants fit and feel like your natural teeth. They increase your comfort in several ways:

  • Do not irritate your gums
  • Help you speak with ease
  • Remain stable when you eat
  • Prevent the need for messy adhesives
  • Feel so natural that you might forget you have overdentures

Bone Preservation

Dental implants are the foundation of Teeth in a Day and preserve your jawbone. Implants are artificial tooth roots that stimulate the bone like natural tooth roots and prevent bone loss. In turn, bone preservation prevents your facial muscles from sagging and making you prematurely look older.

So, Am I a Good Candidate for Dentures or Teeth in a Day Implants? Or Both?

How do you know if you are a good candidate for dentures, Teeth in a Day, or both? Before you receive either treatment, Central Florida Oral, Facial and Periodontal Surgery will take the following steps to determine if you qualify:

  • Review your medical and dental histories
  • Perform a comprehensive exam
  • Take a 3-D CBCT (cone-beam computed tomography) scan for a clear view of your facial and oral anatomy

Denture candidates…

  • Are missing most or all their teeth
  • Experience severe tooth decay that requires tooth removal
  • Have enough bone volume to keep a denture in place

Teeth-in-a-Day candidates…

  • Have good oral and overall health
  • Have enough bone volume to support dental implants
  • Are not heavy smokers
  • Do not have a medical condition that will interfere with the healing process

I’m Considering Dentures

If you are considering dentures, consider the facts about them and whether they meet your needs, lifestyle, and long-term goals for oral health:

  • Help you avoid the embarrassment, inconvenience, and health risks of missing all your teeth
  • Require nightly removal to clean
  • Lift or slip around (bottom denture)
  • Require relining as your jawbone shrinks
  • Reduce your ability to chew, taste, and enjoy food
  • Last seven to ten years

What Are the Average Costs of Dentures in Central Florida?

The cost of dentures in Central Florida varies based on your needs, the provider, and the quality of denture materials. The denture costs below do not include the cost of exams, x-rays, extractions, impressions, and other fees associated with getting dentures.

Average Cost of Dentures

  • Economy denture: $400 – $600
  • Standard denture: $700 – $1000
  • High-quality denture: $1500 – $2500

What is the Recovery Process for Getting Dentures?

When you receive a new denture, your recovery includes multiple phases:

  • ExtractionTooth extractions are completed before you receive dentures.
  • Healing – It takes six to eight weeks for extractions to heal before you receive dentures.
  • Temporary prosthesis – You can wear temporary dentures during the healing period.
  • Permanent denture – After your gums and jawbone heal, your dentist will take impressions of your mouth and send them to a lab to make your permanent denture.

I’m Considering Teeth in a Day

If you are considering Teeth in a Day, your fixed overdenture will replace your teeth and improve your quality of life right away.

  • You will receive dental implants and replacement teeth on the same day.
  • Smile with confidence right away without a three- to four-month wait while you heal.
  • You will clean your fixed overdenture like natural teeth.
  • When you speak or eat, you do not have to worry about your denture lifting, slipping, or falling out.
  • Dental implants will stimulate your jawbone and prevent shrinkage.
  • You do not have to worry about premature facial sagging.
  • Teeth in a Day do not require relining.
  • Your ability to chew, taste, and enjoy food will be almost as good as having your natural teeth back.
  • Dental implants last 20 years or longer—often a lifetime.

What Are the Average Costs of Teeth in a Day in Central Florida?

The average cost of Teeth in a Day in Central Florida is $20,000 to $50,00 per arch. Teeth in a Day have a higher upfront cost than other treatment options for replacing teeth. But they are a long-lasting, durable solution that restores function, preserves bone, and looks completely natural.

Some factors that affect the cost include:

What is the Recovery Process for Getting Teeth in a Day?

After getting Teeth in a Day, you can expect progressive recovery.

  • After surgery, you will have a natural-looking smile.
  • You will feel minimal or no discomfort after your procedure. Our staff will explain how to keep discomfort at a minimum with over-the-counter pain reliever or medication that Dr. Jaffal or Dr. Caylor prescribes for you.
  • During follow-up appointments, our oral surgeons will ensure the area around your implants is healthy and healing well.
  • In about four months, the implants and your jawbone will fuse.
  • Your dentist will attach your permanent prosthesis to the dental implants.

Meet Your Experienced Doctors – Dr. Jaffal and Dr. Caylor

All of our doctors at Central Florida Oral, Facial and Periodontal Surgery are all dedicated to successful dental implant cases. Dr. Jad Jaffal and Dr. Ronald Caylor are the board-certified oral surgeons behind Central Florida Oral, Facial and Periodontal Surgery. Dr. Jaffal lectures to dentists and oral surgeons nationally and internationally about implantology. Dr. Caylor is a diplomat of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and a fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. As a periodontist, Dr. Rania Livada helps patients receive implants while avoiding any gum health concerns.

If you would like to know if you are a Teeth-in-a-Day candidate, request a consultation with one of our accomplished oral surgeons. Call us at (352) 391-5550 if you need further assistance.